Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Minnie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Minnie - Essay Example In the first stanza it is described about how the "sweet and cute" little Minnie becomes a responsible sister "at the age of four". In spite of her tender age since a baby boy is borne after her she has to take care of him. The line 'you are the big sis' connotes that the caring attitude and attention of the elders is now diverted from the girl child to the baby boy. Not only that, the girl is considered as big enough to take care of her little brother. The girl succumbs to the pressure of the elders and makes "compromises" throughout her childhood. Here "compromises" means the character Minnie has abandoned her rights of being loved and cared in her playful days for the reason that she is borne as a girl child and there is a boy already there who deserves more attention as per social norms. The second stanza provides a good continuity to the narration where Minnie, the character of the poem is in her youthful years. By the line "Wedding bells and diamond ring" it is intended that a girl in her nubile age can be of very romantic and contemplative about the beauties of everything. She dreams of love, romance, and an understanding life partner. The beautiful days, she dreamt of are not so long lasting for her. After marriage she hears from everybody that she has grown up to a "wise woman" and she should make adjustments with her husband, with the in-laws and with every situation. The line "Prudent Woman, respect man" is intended to the voice of the society which clearly speaks of male dominance and their presence at the helm of affairs. The allusion of male chauvinism can be very well deciphered from the above line. The third stanza typically describes the plight of woman particularly during her old age. Minnie is now completely alone. She has her children but has been deserted by all. Though she has poured her love, affection to all members of her family but those are hardly remembered by them. A widow who has not learned to face the challenges of the outer world often cries in the lone life. But what she can do except accepting the situation as they are and making compromises. The poem reiterates the prevalence of gender discrimination in the contemporary society, where woman has to take a backseat in the social hierarchy. Least importance is being given to their cause and comfort. Throughout their life they suffer by adjusting to the adverse situations. A Short Story: Independence Day It was an early awakening for Zayed. He sat and looked at his Grandpa's photograph. Usually, he wakes at six (of course after Mama's yelling), keeps his bedding and sleeping mat in proper place, brushes in few seconds and goes out to bring a pouch of milk. Everyday Zayed used to

Monday, October 28, 2019

The tulip touch Essay Example for Free

The tulip touch Essay The 168 page book called The Tulip Touch by Annie Fine, quoted the book with the fiery eye and the secret message on the cover is about a teenage girl who lives inside a large hotel called the palace. After constantly staying at the hotel Natalie become bored, and with her mum busily running the hotel Natalie and her dad went for a walk by the farm which is where they met Tulip, who from that moment on became Natalies friend. At the beginning of their friendship Tulip almost never arrived at school and Natalie was left to drift around the playground aimlessly with out any friends hoping Tulip would show up. To make it even worse Natalie was not allowed to find Tulip after school for reasons she didnt understand. When they were together they went and did everything, always finding something fun and new to do. Later, when Tulip finally decided to regularly attend school Natalie become worried about her obnoxious behavior in class as she always managed to find some way to be sent outside into the hallway. Natalie didnt know why she did, but Tulip seemed to enjoy it whether she was scaring the staff half to death, refusing to work or even spoiling all the fun actives like the ropes and field trips. Natalie felt very undecided and confused with her parents decision of sending her to Heathcote and on the days just before the deadline she felt like a bird on an extremely hot wire, every few minutes she expected to hear her dad say well Heathcote it is and then to see him send off the note. Soon Natalie had become so influenced by Tulip that she too had become bad in and out of school, finding harder and harder ways to get into trouble, even going as far as conning their way into other peoples houses. As the flames of the chicken shed leapt higher and higher Natalie was suddenly pulled down into a ditch by Tulip as she heard the fire sirens, and then suddenly out of the whirl of confusion everything just clicked into place. For those were the moments that their friendship died. After the friendship died, Tulips behavior continued to quickly decline whether she was scratching the paint off the walls in the bathrooms or teasing the parents of a dead girl, she just kept getting worse. Tulips very last, very worst game of all was when she torched down the hotel the palace using petrol and paraffin. Tulip had chosen a night when everyone was all together singing and dancing, so that no-one would notice a dark figure running around outside. Natalie feels sorry and guilty for Tulip because she has a wonderful hotel to stay in and great parents to take care of her while Tulip lives in a dump with horrible parents who dont care for her. I think the message of the book is that no-one is born evil and that there is a reason for their behavior, for Tulip it was her parents and overall home life. I enjoyed the touch Tulip always added to her lies for example the lie was: the army is using the farm for training, and the touch she added was: when I get home they are letting me drive a tank. I learnt that there are some bad people in the world who may have had extremely sad lives and that all of us, like Natalie, can choose good or evil. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Human Resources :: Management Employment Essays

Human Resources With today's workforce becoming increasingly diverse and organizations doing more to maximize the benefits of the differences in employees, Human Resource managers are evolving from the "old school" sideline player to the front-line fighters. Organizations are relying on managers to get the people who get the job done, and of course, make the company money. People have always been central to organizations, but their strategic importance is growing in today's knowledge-based business world like never before. An organization's success increasingly depends on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of its employees, particularly as they help establish a set of core competencies which distinguish one organization from its competitors. When employees' talents are valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and organize, an organization can achieve a sustained competitive advantage. In order to "compete through people", an organization has to be able to do a good job of managing their human capital: the knowledge, skills, and capabilities that add value to the organizations. Managers must develop strategies for identifying, recruiting, and hiring the best talent available. Develop these individuals in ways that are specific to the needs of their individual firms, encourage them to generate new ideas while familiarizing them with the company strategies, invite information sharing, and rewarding collaboration and team work. The basis on which compensation payments are determined, and the way they are administered, can significantly affect employee productivity and the achievement of organizational goals. Establishing compensation programs require both large and small organizations to consider specific goals. Employee retenti on, compensation distribution and adherence to the budget must be carefully weighted against the overall organizational goals and expectations. Compensation must reward employees for past performance while serving as a motivation tool for future performances. Internal and external equity of the pay program will affect employees' concepts of fairness. Organizations must balance each of the concerns while still remaining competitive. For internal equity an organization can use one of the basic job evaluation techniques to determine relative worth of job. The most common are the ranking and classification methods. The job ranking system arranges jobs in numerical order on the basis of the importance of the job's duties and responsibilities to the organization. Job classification slots jobs into preestablished grades with higher rated grades requiring more responsibilities, working conditions, and job duties. External equity can be determined by a wage survey. Data obtained from the surveys will facilitate establishing the organization's wage policy while ensuring that the employer does not pay more, or less, than needed for jobs in the relevant labor market.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How People Behave And Perform As A Group Education Essay

How people behave and perform as members of a group is every bit of import as their behavior or public presentation as persons. Pulling on your ain experiences and on the theory and research on groups, discourse critically how working in a group can be both psychologically rewarding every bit good as potentially demanding for the person. For illustration, you could utilize your experience of working as a group on a undertaking in a university or in your workplace Contentss: Aim of the Assignment Introduction Individual behavior and public presentation Peoples behaviour and public presentations as members of a group Pros & A ; Cons of working together for an person Critical Analysis & A ; Conclusion Mentions Aim of the Assignment: The chief purpose of this assignment given to each person is to analyse and research on how people behave and to detect closely their public presentation as an person or members of a squad which are every bit of import. Besides sing our ain experience being a squad member or working separately on a undertaking and analysing how it would be honoring both potentially and psychologically. To understand it in a much simple manner allow me set the full purpose into a mathematical equation, which is as follows:Peoples Behaviour + Performance as a squad member = Individual behavior + Individual public presentationThis Equation would look to be about similar when we look at the Left Hand side & A ; Right Hand Side, but it is non, because with my experience as an perceiver, when we look at people ‘s behavior and their public presentation as a squad member, we can besides do out their single behavior and their single public presentation. If we understand any portion of the equation, we can acquire to cognize that person or presume the other portion of the equation, as each portion is interlinked with the other. For illustration: To gauge the value of ‘A ‘ where C = A + B, and C = 10. We can presume B to be of ten value and the value of A = 10 – ten. It might look to be small confusing and complicated but in my position if we understand or analyze a individual in one facet, we can foretell the other facets as good, wherein each facet is every bit of import and rewarding. Introduction: It is really interesting to cognize or to foretell how one single reacts or behaves in an Organization. It feels really good when we can foretell the behavior of a individual if we understand the fortunes good. Is n't it interesting? Well it is for me at least. â€Å" What is Organizational Behavior? † ( 2006, Vandeveer, Menefee, Sinclair ) It is the methodological analysis to understand how single, people or group behaves at workplaces. The whole construct is to understand and foretell the human behaviour in the organisation. In an organisation we have directors who are the leaders and the persons working under them are its followings. If we understand the behavior of the followings and its leaders so it would take us to the success of the organisation as we would be able to cognize the attack of each in assorted state of affairss. Well now we get another inquiry in our head which is â€Å" Does Organisational Behavior require a systematic attack? † ( 2006, Vandeveer, Menefee, Sinclair ) Many people think that it is merely the common sense that we need to use and many think it is merely intuition, but how would this be defined. In my position, common sense is our ain personal sentiments which non needfully be right and intuition is our ain feeling which can non be supported by any theory. Yes, there is a systematic attack for OB because the organisations change, competition addition, affect of engineering on assorted persons. So, we must alter our thought of foretelling people by our common sense and intuitions to following up a systematic system to understand behavior of organisations, persons and groups. I would take this as a privilege to portion my experience as the School Leader for three old ages where I was besides the President of the School Parliament and The Prefect to stand for our Educational Society. It was a ambitious function as I had to pull off all the section and besides study to the office with the behaviors of different cabinet members in the proper running of Assorted Houses. I had to supervise each subsidiary who had a direct attack with the pupils, having their feedback and paying concern to their jobs. Bing immature I had to foretell or presume few things in ways which did non had any theoretical support, but this was necessary to decently understand their behavior and attacks to assorted state of affairss to accomplish the purpose provided and carry through the undertaking anyhow. For illustration: If we analyze an person on a peculiar undertaking, we can presume that individuals ‘ attack to the other undertaking. There are besides elements which act as base for a strong foundation of the organisation where in the directions vision, doctrine, civilization and ends are most of import. There are used to put the organisations environment ( Organizational Behavior.A Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // Last accessed 19 March 2010. ) The people working in the organisation as persons contribute as the whole to present quality work. The result is the public presentation, development, satisfaction and growing of single. All these elements together build the model of the organisations ‘ public presentation. When I was working for Michael Dell as his declaration expert, I had to be a portion of a group of experts where each single public presentation was calculated wittingly or unwittingly. A path record of each person was maintained and farther public presentation was besides forecasted. It gave everyone an purpose to accomplish, though with tonss of force per unit area as the organisations public presentation was dependent on us irrespective of our psychological wages. We as persons in a group learnt a batch as it gave us an first-class exposure, pleasant for few, and non for few. Individual behavior and public presentation: Martin Goodyer ( 2009 ) ( is an experient professional manager and behavioral alteration practician. He is a corporate manager with a background of 17 old ages in senior concern direction and development ) negotiations about transforming attitude and behaviour jobs into assets. He says that all persons in some point or the other have jobs with their behavior which straight or indirectly affects them at their workplace with the alteration in public presentation degree. Some managers with their single behavior jobs drive their organisation backwards. This is a common thing which we see around us, non merely with managers but besides with other staff members who are trained to present and besides provided support but they are non able to present the undertaking good due to some behavioural or attitudinal issue, that ‘s halting them traveling frontward. Recognizing this is the first of import thing and second is what could be done in work outing the job and change overing it into r ewards/assets. All persons in the organisation could n't be an plus but some of them are who could turn themselves from the behavioural job and can add value to the organisation, alternatively bing the organisation. There is no common sense or logic in work outing the job as worlds are driven by their emotions and non by logic because emotions control our behavior. So, it is our emotions that cause a alteration in our behavior which affect us psychologically and potentially. In order to execute good in a group, each person must screen their ain behavioral job which could originate by itself or while being a portion of the squad. We can happen that issue which is impacting our public presentation and make something about it. Some persons change their behavior or undergo an emotional stimulation under the influence of other individual ‘s behavior in order non to see the hurting or to do them experience better from insight. We can besides analyse them and detect what they are making and why they are making it and understand their behavioural model in order non to acquire a hapless public presentation degree. Even in the most ambitious fortunes we must keep a good degree of communicating in or der to construct a resonance with everyone so that we can cognize the job which is bing organisation and single in public presentation. Tom DeMarco ( 2008 ) negotiations about different forms of Behaviour, where he says, how good a human encephalon is in acknowledging forms. It records different forms which controls our behavior. Our head tries to retrieve assorted forms unconsciously by assorted names or features which we react consequently when our head identifies a similar state of affairs once more. So far there have been 88 different forms over 37 old ages across 25 states which are recognized, each of which has been given a snappish name to retrieve and an essay about it to acknowledge a form and how to continue. The behavior which we adapt might be good or really good in fact, but sometimes it might be destructive and leads to defeat. In my ain experience as the School Rep as mentioned earlier, I had to undergo many emotional stimulation and observe assorted forms in order to set my behavior suited with everyone so that the public presentation degree does non travel bad. I had to keep a proper O degree with everyone about so that everyone could breath good and there prevail no opposition. An single differ from the other in sentiments, attitudes, beliefs, committedness, communicating, experience, civilization, values, instruction, intelligence, emotions, age and life manner, and I got to cognize these different facets with the experience or exposure which I got. The chief thing is communication accomplishments and merely through unfastened and crystalline communicating accomplishments we would be able to transport forward information good with proper lucidity and present it good. It helped me a batch while undergoing this, as this helped me to be emotionally flexible and acknowledging my possible as a leader with a self-praise of assurance. It was a ambitious undertaking, though interesting and cherishable throughout. â€Å" Abilities such as being able to actuate oneself and prevail in the face of defeat ; to command unprompted and delay satisfaction ; to modulate one ‘s tempers and maintain hurt from drenching the ability to believe ; to sympathize and to trust. † ( Daniel Goleman ) . It is non an easy undertaking to actuate our ego when we are hard-pressed or non feeling good. But, if we master in this so it becomes really easy to do right determinations and execute better as it is observed that emotions change quickly at work, due to the circumstance or state of affairs in which we are. OB is really complex as it deals with cardinal things like motive ; it deals with emphasis which is a chief concern these yearss. Some persons find it easier to expose or to stamp down certain emotions or emphasis and accordingly can hold less negative effects. ( Totter dell & A ; Holman, 2003, Call Centre Employees ) . Peoples behaviour and public presentations as members of a group: Harmonizing to Donelson R. Forsyth ( 2006 ) , aA groupA is connexion of two or more persons who are connected to one another by societal relationships. Normally we find that different authors come out with their ain definition of what a group is because they write in respects on their work. Some definitions of a Group: â€Å" Conceiving of a group as a dynamic whole should include a definition of group that is based on mutuality of the members. â€Å" A Kurt LewinA ( 1951: 146 ) â€Å" We mean by a group a figure of individuals who communicate with one another frequently over a span of clip, and who are few plenty so that each individual is able to pass on with all the others, non at second-hand, through other people, but face-to-face. â€Å" A George HomansA ( 1950: 1 ) â€Å" To set it merely they are units composed of two or more individuals who come into contact for a intent and who consider the contact meaningful. â€Å" A Theodore M. Mills ( 1967: 2 ) â€Å" A group is a aggregation of persons who have dealingss to one another that make them interdependent to some important grade. As so defined, the termA groupA refers to a category of societal entities holding in common the belongings of mutuality among their constitutional members. â€Å" A Dorwin Cartwright and Alvin ZanderA ( 1968: 46 ) â€Å" Descriptively talking, a psychological group is defined as one that is psychologically important for the members, to which they relate themselves subjectively for societal comparing and the acquisition of norms and values, †¦ that they in private accept rank in, and which influences their attitudes and behavior. â€Å" A John C Turner ( 1987: 1-2 ) â€Å" A group exists when two or more people define themselves as members of it and when its being is recognized by at least one other. â€Å" A Rupert BrownA ( 1988: 2-3 ) What I feel, a group is a set of different persons who are involved in the group and has a particular bonding amongst them so that they can put to death the undertaking good by demoing first-class public presentation. Sing my experience so far for working in assorted groups at School, College, University or work topographic point ; to present first-class quality work: We should be able to understand each other good in a group because we are sailing ‘in the same boat ‘ ( Brown 1988: 28 ) , so it is good to understand each other psychologically. We should be able to pass on with each other in a clear manner in order to acquire the right response, transmit orders, to acknowledge jobs, to obtain or supply feedback, to cognize others perceptual experiences and to defy struggles. ( Wendy Bloisi, Curtis W. Cook and Phillip L. Hunsaker 2007:355 ) . With my experience, we must pass on in a proper which is really indispensable because it allows the squad members to co ordinate assorted things, portion information with lucidity and fulfill each other demands good. As we are given a undertaking to put to death as a group, we must execute it with high values and criterions and alternatively of taking single recognition ; we must retrieve that our squad is defined by us as a whole and by others working with us as a squad. As Benson ( 2000:5 ) says, â€Å" We must come together to work on common and for in agreement intents † which harmonizing to me is honoring for all in the squad. Pros & A ; Cons of working together for an person: Stephen P. Robbins ( 2005 ) gives us the grounds of why single tend to organize groups. His first ground is Security & A ; Status which everyone is concerned today. None would wish to jeopardize themselves. We feel secure as we are non put to deathing the undertaking entirely and there are others in the group every bit good to supply originative input which gives a multi dimensional position to the undertaking and which in return besides yields better public presentation. It besides helps us acknowledge our potency of working in a group, as in a group when we execute the undertaking given to us ; we get to cognize our capacity of executing that undertaking which is besides psychologically honoring. We besides urge to be a portion of the group because consciously we are cognizant of accomplishing the end if we are a portion of a group instead than working entirely by our ego where we are cognizant of non accomplishing the end because of deficiency of diverseness and inputs. ( Stephen P. Robbins 2005 ) . Hence, it is an chance to work together in groups on undertakings. â€Å" The many are smarter than the few † James Suriwiecki ( 2004 ) As we have seen in single public presentation and behaviour subdivision, persons besides get to cognize their behavior towards other and how it can be altered to experience happy from penetration. They tend to cognize them self much better with the feedback which they get, if it ‘s taken positively by them or else it might take to struggles which is a downside. There are besides jobs which teams face, such as: form of work, accomplishing the end, deficiency in preparation or support, civilization and communicating. ( Betty Conti and Brian H. Kleine 1997 ) . The direction of the organisation must finalise a form or construction of work that best suits the organisation. Sometimes there might be some jobs in the organisation or persons ain committednesss which might upset the docket of the squad. To get the better of this we must ever maintain path of the end to be achieved which is really of import for the squad ‘s public presentation. The direction must besides supply proper preparation and support to the squad participants in order to anticipate good consequences from them. If they do n't acquire proper support or possess deficiency of preparation, so it might take to group ‘s failure. Sometimes people from different civilization may happen it hard to get by up with the state of affairs and there could besides stay some communic ating spread. Robert Loo and Karran Thorpe ( 2002 ) references emphasis which is a factor to worry in squad work caused due to clip force per unit area or defeat. This definitely affects the public presentation as negative response is expected at nerve-racking state of affairss. Persons working in a group are stressed due to non active engagement of the squad mates which increases work burden. Therefore, we must take attention of all these things in order to avoid squads ‘ failure and obtain better consequences. It is besides good for organisation to back up squad work as it would pull more figure of best people to fall in their organisation so that the organisation could execute better. My position is that, it depends all in the organisation which pattern it adapts to give net income and vie with the remainder in the sphere. Critical Analysis & A ; Decision: Working in a group is more good as it is a topographic point where dealingss can turn and a topographic point where people can happen support which is honoring personally. Many people, like me, like to socialise a batch and I ever believe in group work because it yields choice work due to different persons present in group with different mentalities and thoughts, though it is a disputing undertaking to pull off them, as I have an experience of taking a few groups. It is besides potentially demanding as while working together we unconsciously compete with one another and tend to give our best which lets us cognize our ultimate potency and when each clip we go beyond our possible it is good for an person ‘s personality. It is besides psychologically honoring due to the points mentioned earlier. None would wish to neglect at any point and ache their ego regard and position. Working is a group besides helps us beef up our ego regard, behavior with others and command our emotions. For us to do certain that a group delivers the effectual work with efficiency, the squad members in the group must be competent in utilizing all their minute accomplishments. â€Å" Worlds are non born with these accomplishments ; they must be developed. † ( Johnson and Johnson 2003: 579 ; 581 ) This is the best thing which I liked the most while working on this. None of us have come out from the uterus with some particular accomplishments ; it is here were we learn ; which is endlessaˆÂ ¦

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gmr Case Study: Managing Hr in a Global Environment Essay

I. TERMS OF REFERENCE This report is a case study of GMR International Company, which analyzes the different components and challenges of Human Resources Management faced by GMR in a global environment and through a theoretical review, establishes possible improvement strategies towards the creation of best practices. II. METHODOLOGY This report is part based on the interview held with the HR manager of the company complemented with primary research from books and electronic sources listed at the references and lecture and seminar’s contents. 1. INTRODUCTION In a global market, how companies manage and handle their employees determines a key strategic role that ultimately creates a competitive advantage. Companies operate on an international operational level locating outbreaks in different countries and facing different cultural challenges. â€Å"Managing resourceful humans requires a constant balancing between meeting the human aspirations of the people and meeting the strategic and financial needs of the business.† (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2008, p.3) A company through any domestic and internationalization process must identify the basic needs of its employees in relation to their business guidelines, creating a balance between strategic and operational resource management. Businesses are valued for their intellectual capital and are projected by the management of intangible assets The purpose of this report lies in the evaluation of the different variables that a global company such as GMR must study, understand and reflect on its corporate strategy for the optimal development of their global operations, based on a adequate personnel management and the creation of sustainable policies for the management and development of intangible capital. 2. GMR INTERNATIONAL: COUNTRY PROFILE GMR Group is a Bangalore headquartered global infrastructure major with interests in the Airports, Energy, Highways and Urban infrastructure, with its International Headquarters based in London. GMR holds interests, directly and through its part ownership of InterGen, in 15 operating power plants with over 8,800MW of generating capacity. In addition an impressive portfolio of approximately 12,000MW of gas, coal and hydro plants are in various stages of construction and development both in India and internationally. GMR has shareholding interests in 4 international airports (New Delhi International (P) Limited; GMR Hyderabad International Airport; Sabiha Gokcen Airport LTD; GMR Male International Airport Ltd)) handling 40 million passengers p.a and 9 road projects exceeding 700 kms of paved roads. GMR is fully committed to the development of infrastructure assets, and in the past two years has raised over US$ 3 billion for the development of airports and another US$ 2.2 billion for the development of power and infrastructure assets including US$1.1 billion for the acquisition of 50% of InterGen N.V, a global power generator. The Group through the dedicated GMR Varalakshmi Foundation, manned by committed professionals is actively engaged in Education, Health, Hygiene and Sanitation, Empowerment & Livelihoods and Community-Based Programs, reaffirming its grass root presence as change agents of society in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. 3. RECRUITMENT â€Å"Recruitment is defined as searching for and obtaining potential job candidates in sufficient numbers and quality so that organization can select the most appropriate people to fill its job needs.† (Dowling, Engle and Festing, 2008) â€Å"Recruitment is the discovery of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational activities. Two conditions must exist for selection to occur, (1) the organization must have a candidate whom it is willing to employ; (2) the candidate must be willing to accept an employment offer. Recruitment is the process of finding applicants who meet both of these conditions.† (Andrews 1993) â€Å"Organizations do not operate in a vacuum, and recruitment drives are one of the times an organization has direct contact with the outside world. Amongst other factors affecting recruitment, are the framework imposed on legislation and that no organization will want to spend money on unnecessary activities.† (Foot and Hook, 2005) 3.1 Recruitment Strategies There are 4 recruitment strategies, which are defined as such. These are 1. Ethnocentric 2. Polycentric 3. Geocentric] 4. Regiocentric Ethnocentric| Polycentric| Geocentric| Regiocentric| Ethnocentric is a belief in the superiority of one’s own ethnic group. The firm basically believes that parent-country nationals are better qualified and trustworthy than host country nationals.| Polycentric is a belief that local people know the local environment better than outsiders.| Geocentric is the notion that the best people should be employed, regardless of their nationality.| Regiocentric is the variation of staffing policy to suit particular geographic areas.| 1.Based on Paul Coldwell’s seminar slides, 2011. GMR International uses all four of the above-mentioned strategies, depending upon factors mentioned below, * The requirements of the job position to be filled in. * The position of the job in the hierarchy of the firm. If the job were a high position one, they would use the geocentric approach; and if it were for a more junior position, they would probably use a polycentric approach. * They would not like to waste too much time or money on the hunt for the right candidate. * Even when they are looking for a candidate for a high position job, they have certain restrictions to be cautious about from the UK Border Authority and the Government. When using the geocentric approach. E.g. The Head of Airport is an Italian working in South Africa and would report to the UK. Because he was an expert on airports, he was hired for the job. E.g. recently, when trying to bring in a Malaysian to UK, the UK Border Authority refused his sponsorship, so it did not work out. When using the polycentric approach. E.g. When looking for administrative support, GMR looks for local people to do the local jobs, as they would not like to waste the time and money to do a whole UK or EU based search for something small such as skills. 3.2 Challenges for hiring people at GMR International * GMR, as a brand, is not that well known in the UK and tit is also not as strong as some of their competitors, therefore, there is a hurdle of recognition. * GMR International is a non EU and non US organization * People are varying of working for a company, which is Indian by origin, yet headquartered in London. * People are not prepared to leave their jobs to work for a company with less work experience; limited recognition as a brand; and with limited track record. 3.3 Outlining the Recruitment Process â€Å"In the process of recruitment, in the first instance, sources of prospective employees are located. In other words, from where the employees would be available. Thereafter, these sources are approached and efforts are made to attract the interested people to the organization.† (Foot and Hook, 2005) The recruitment process at GMR International is not too different from those of other companies in UK. They look at the activities set out for the year ahead and map it out according to the capacity that they have in their organization. When they do this, there are obviously, some gaps that need to be filled in, in order for them to work on some projects. In order to fill in these gaps, the organization makes certain decisions as to how to do this. This can be done by 4 methods, 1. They could recruit temporary people 2. They could get people on contract 3. They could get that particular piece of work done somewhere else (outsource) 4. They could hire someone to do that job When they go ahead and choose the fourth option, they look at as to how to approach the market, in the following ways, * E- enabled vehicles – for the more junior staff as a lot of such recruitment takes place on web based applications. * They do not give much importance to the employees referral program * They tend to use agencies; search firms for the bigger, more senior positions * For the more junior staff, they recruit within UK. * As the position increases with seniority, they tend to engage colleagues from other offices to help them out, in case it can be managed within the GMR family. 3.4 Post Recruitment & Selection At GMR, they are not very firm in their services to keep an employee with them. They do not have a support system or an evaluation program. â€Å"Normally, at a firm, there is an evaluation program and a support system for the first 6 months. In this program, they make a check on the new employee on day 1; week 1; month 1; month 6. While, they have tried to be stricter in this aspect and tried different techniques for keeping an employee happy and with them, it has not always worked well with them. 4. EXPATRIATES With globalization shaping our world, organisations are trying to expand their marketplace in order to increase their competitiveness. In the industrialized countries, international working has become a common feature and the contact between different cultures becomes a regular thing in people’s social and professional lives. â€Å"International HRM involves striking an appropriate balance between global integration and local adaptation in terms of resourcing, training and developing personnel, reward and performance management, employment relations including communications, and health and welfare† (Porter, Bingham and Simmonds, 2008, p.400). So in this process of internationalisation, companies need to move people around and they have to make sure that they do it in an effective way because of the high costs involved. Expatriates have to deal with the changing they are going to occur, in culture, workplace, country and many more, the company must be sure to prepare them appropriately in order to get the best from their experience both in the new location and back home when they finish their period. According to Tayeb (1996), some companies such as Natwest in the UK, Philips in the Netherlands and Groupe Total in France conduct extensive international in-house seminars. In these courses they cover national culture differences, family adaptation, local politics and laws and international finance, more over some firms send their future expatriates, together with their family, to special language courses. Paul Colwell, former lecturer and HRM manager at Regents College states that an expatriate cost on average $250.000, or even more, which shows the importance of a good HRM strategy. An expatriate should receive the right support before, in the mean while and after his experience abroad. Before he leaves, the company should prepare him to live in another country, through teaching the culture aspects (food, climate, politics and laws, standard behaviour etc.), suggesting him not to sell his house in his home town, because if something goes wrong with his experience it would be way better to have some place in which he can to return. The language is an important factor in order to make him effective in his new workplace and the company should provide him the possibility of language classes to attend. All of these pre-departure trainings should be joined by the whole family, in fact while for the local employees the company don’t care about their family affairs, when you take in examination an expatriate the whole family becomes the company’s business. Experience shows that the majority failures in expatriate’s program come from family problem and complaints. After the departure, a good way of managing expatriate, according to the theory, is to take care about their house in the origin country (rent it or doing the maintenance needed) and to find a house where they are going to live in the new country, taking in consideration the location and the comfort they might need. A good communication with the expatriate during the whole experience should be maintained in order to prevent possible problems and to show him that the company doesn’t leave him alone. The company should take care of the partner job in the new country (or/and hobbies) and register their children in schools in order to make sure that the employee’s family is comfortable in the new location. The return of the expatriate is an important moment, too often underestimated. The company priority is to make sure not to lose all the money it has invested on him by making him decide to change job. An interview at the return it is a necessary step, as offering him the right position deserved in the company and not the same job he had before he left in order to maintain him motivated and happy, so they are not losing all the know how he gained through his years abroad. The period of the experience abroad it is variable, but following Paul Coldwell experience 3 years is and ideal length, because after that the employee may lose some of the attraction and interest in the job and start to decrease his learning. 4.1 GMR Policy Following the interview with the GMR HRM Manager, we found out that they do very little for their expatriates, mostly because they just started their internationalisation and they are a medium entity in the business. They don’t offer any pre-departure preparation, leaving it to the employee’s arbitrariness, they only thing they offer is a period of time that they could spend in the new country with their family in order to decide or not to go. GMR take about their VISA and immigration laws, moreover they find and pay the house in the new country, making sure that it is nice and well located. Moreover they pay for the double taxation (when it occurs) and they offer help in moving their employee’s furniture when requested, paying for it. Their typical expatriate appointment last 2 years, according with GMR HRM manager. As seen so far their expatriate strategy is very poor and just offer little helps to their employees, leaving a high risk of failure and waste of money. 4.2 Proposed Plan GMR in order to increase their competitiveness should set a better strategy for its expatriates. First of all the pre-departure preparation should be compulsory for everyone who decides to apply for an expatriate experience and should comprehend the whole family (especially for language classes), because they shouldn’t take the risk that their employees arrive in the new country and they are not able to integrate in the new position. GMR services to their expatriates, such as find a house, take care of the VISA and pay for the possible double taxation, are a good starting point but it is not enough if they want to make sure their expatriate’s program will be more effective. The company should take care of their expatriates’ proprieties in their home country, they definitively have to be more connected with their employees’ partners, in order to find them a job in the new country that would fit their current position, or/and taking care about their hobbies and their children necessities (such as school and sports). Eventually they have to develop a better repatriation system with complete feedback interviews and placing them in the position they deserve in order to gain value from their experience. 5. CULTURE â€Å"The collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the member of one category of people from another† (Lewis, 2006, p. 17) 5.1 Organizational Culture â€Å"The culture of an organisation refers to the unique configuration of norms, values, beliefs, ways of behaving and so on that characterize the manner in which groups and individuals combine to get things done. The distinctiveness of a particular organisation is intimately bound up with. (Brown, 1998) It is always said that the knowledge sharing culture is part of good knowledge management initiative. It is said that effective collaboration and communication across a whole organisational structure spreads knowledge throughout. In order to change the current culture of the organisation the change needs to be initiated at individual level. Employees have a sphere of influence along with their own individual knowledge, and this is where he believes a knowledge sharing culture can begin. GMR as an Indian based company, headquartered in Bangalore with offices in different countries as well such as U.K, Turkey, Singapore and Dubai, have identified the need of bring the different cultures together. As this company has to hire multicultural staff as part of their induction programme, most of their staff goes to India, to learn GMR history, values and operations through education workshop and its annual performance reviews. Working for an Indian company, which has strong culture and values and beliefs, employees have to manage the transition from their experiences. GMR has employees from the multicultural regions. Whereas, it is an Indian family business organisation and they glue the bonds whether it is Singapore, Turkey or Dubai. They share their values to India and initially they engage with their employees for first 4-5 years of the company to give them awareness about the company whether they can live by them and able to promote them to other positions. That is how they bring multicultural nationalities under the GMR brand. Therefore, there is a lot of difference between the 2 cultures. There are a lot of differences and similarities between the companies in which people have seen few things before in their previous organisations or the things they haven’t seen before, in GMR. â€Å"Individuals will have to adjust for the organisation but organisations will not adjust for individuals.† As GMR is an entrepreneur company, it has a very high regard for social responsibility. It has a set of values and cultures that can be shared and they are not company confidential. 5.2 Shared knowledge Culture is a shared phenomenon that people develop over time in response to shared experiences, which engender agreed values and mode of behaviours and which foster a similar outlook on the world. Working patterns that encourage people to engage in closed co-ordination and communication, which encourage them to identify the same problem and share the certain solution, and goals will be conducive to the formation of sub culture. (Brown, 1998) In GMR has focused knowledge transference culture among their 500 employees on the multiple layers. Employees have ongoing dialogues with the CEO on the day-to-day basis and once in a month everyone comes over for a breakfast in order to promote feedback in two-way direction. The biggest challenge for GMR is that how they leverage the knowledge within the Indian organisation with international organisation and back and forth. As Indian organisation is very process orientated and has a lot of process put in place around knowledge sharing. It hasn’t gained that much attraction outside India as it could have. The company is still improving in the knowledge sharing aspect. The firm still need to put some enthusiasm in the knowledge sharing as knowledge sharing is not a common concept in UK, Turkey, Singapore and with the Bangalore colleagues and then back to the international locations. Whereas, people think it’s a burden instead of an opportunity. They need to change the mindset of the people that they can learn something by being a recipient of knowledge.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Reconstruction Example

Reconstruction Example Reconstruction – Coursework Example Reconstruction During the Reconstruction, Radical Republicans’ main vision was to rebuild and transform the South throughrejoining all the states in a peaceful manner. They sought to introduce military governors as a replacement of confederate leaders and stop their political life. Another vision was to empower Black people through offering them land and education. White supremacy guided Andrew Johnson’s view of the Reconstruction. He saw confederate leaders as the cause of the war, rather than the entire South. The Radical Republican proposed tougher measures for the loyalty oath. Johnson prohibited laws that protected Blacks but Congress disapproved his proposals. Before the Reconstruction, Blacks had virtually no rights. During the Reconstruction, they had some basic rights based on the 13th Amendment. After the Reconstruction, military governors abolished Black codes and they later became citizens with civil rights. African Americans were not only allowed to vote, b ut they also contested public offices. They diversified their interests and the government became more integrated, albeit briefly. The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment promoted the civil rights of Blacks and led to some changes in governance. The laws declared everybody born in the US a citizen of the country and his or her respective state. Black families that had separated during the war reunited, and they were allowed to legalize their marriage unions. States were denied the power to deny rights or fail to offer equal protection. In addition, confederates were removed from office, as Blacks became empowered. Largely, they sought to present Blacks with equal opportunities accorded to Whites. The results of the Reconstruction had mixed results, but it largely yielded positive results, such as quelling the debate of states’ rights vs. federalism.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About F. Scott Fitzgerald

Everything You Need to Know About F. Scott Fitzgerald SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Curious about the man who created The Great Gatsby? Did you know that some of the events of this novel are actually based on things that happened to F. Scott Fitzgerald himself? This articlewillgive you a broad overview of Fitzgerald’s life, with a focus onthe autobiographical details that he laterworkedinto The Great Gatsby. Use this background on The Great Gatsby authorto further deepen your understanding of the novel, to connect it with the historical period that it's describing, and to better analyze the motivations of the characters. Fitzgerald’sEarly Life: Echoes of TheGreat Gatsby Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1896.When he was 15, Fitzgerald was sentto the Newman School, a prestigious boarding school in New Jersey. He stayed on theEast Coast to attend Princeton University, an Ivy League school. Fitzgerald was popular at Princeton. He did lots of creative writing for various student publications, including articles for the Princeton Tiger humor magazine and scripts for Triangle Club musicals. However, Fitzgerald’s extracurricular commitments caused him to neglect his studies, and even be placed on academic probation. Traveling home to St. Paul fromPrinceton in 1915, Fitzgerald met socialite Ginevra King. Beautiful, wealthy, and effortlessly charming, Ginevra was arguably the primary inspiration for Daisy Buchanan. Indeed, a recentlyunveiled collection of letters reveals how much Ginevracared for Scott, but alsoknew that she couldn’t marry a middle-class boy.In 1917, Fitzgerald dropped out of Princeton completely to join the army and fight in World War I (although he never actually saw action). A year later, Ginevra King wrote him a letter to tell him that she was engaged to marry another man. Fitzgerald was stationed inCamp Sheridan near Montgomery, Alabama. That’s where he met and fell in love with Zelda Sayre, the daughter of an Alabama Supreme Court judge. Zelda was another popular socialite, a free spirit who loved dancing, swimming, and partying. She also cared for Fitzgerald,but, like Ginevra, was wary of marrying a middle-class man without much money. The war ended in 1918 before Fitzgeraldwas ever deployed to Europe. He moved to NYC hoping to have a successful career in advertising and make enough money to convince Zelda to marry him. A few months later, hewent back to St. Paul to work on anovel. He also took a job repairing car roofs to help pay the bills. Fitzgerald's first novel, This Side of Paradise, published in 1920, was a semi-autobiographical account of his Princeton years, featuring the main character Amory Blaine, who is rejected by two wealthy girls. The novel was an overnight success, making 24-year-old Fitzgeraldone of the country’s most promising young writers. With his novel published and income assured, Scott married Zelda in NYC. They had a daughter named Frances soon after, in 1921, who would be their only child. Zelda remarked upon her birth â€Å"I hope she’s a fool, a beautiful little fool." Scott loved his new celebrity status and started living a really expensive lifestyle, which included lots of partying and traveling. In October 1922, the Fitzgeralds moved to Great Neck, a town on Long Island which served as the inspiration for West Egg in The Great Gatsby. Their neighbors were alsowealthy, famous, and veryâ€Å"new money.† Their contrast to the families in Port Washington, which sat across the bay from Great Neck, gave Fitzgerald the idea for the contrast between West Egg and East Egg in the novel. Ginevra King (left) and Zelda Fitzgerald (right) Biographical Similarities to Events in The Great Gatsby Like Fitzgerald, the novel's narrator Nick Carraway also grows up in the Midwest and then goes to college to an East Coast Ivy League school (although in Nick's case, it's Yale). Fitzgerald wrote for humorous publications at Princeton, while Nickdescribes aseries of â€Å"solemn and obvious editorials for the Yale News† (1.12). Gatsby's initial romance with Daisy is almost exactly what happened to Fitzgerald and Ginevra King. Gatsby meets Daisy Fay, a wealthy socialite, is unable to marry her because he is too poor, and leaves to fight in WWI only to have her marry Tom Buchanan. However, the way that Gatsby meets Daisy is similar to the way Fitzgerald met Zelda - while stationed at a military camp awaiting transfer orders to Europe. Unlike Nick and Jay, Fitzgerald never actually experienced fighting in WWI. After the war, Fitzgerald spent several months in New York trying to make it in the advertising business before coming back to St. Paul to write. Similarly, Nick spends a summer in New York trying to make it as a bond trader before coming back to the Midwest to write his memoir about Gatsby. Fitzgerald worked as a car mechanic while writing his first novel, which may have given him some insight into what George Wilson's life might be like. Zelda's comment on the birth of Frances Fitzgerald became one of Daisy Buchanan’s most famous lines in The Great Gatsby almost verbatim: "I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." (1.8) Fitzgerald's life on Long Island had shades of Gatsby's parties and extravagant lifestyle, as well as his feelings of inferiority when thinking about the old money crowd across the bay in East Egg. Remember: art only imitates, but doesn't duplicate life. The High Life: Writing The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald continued to work on his novels in between partying and writing short stories. In 1922, he published his second novel, The Beautiful and the Damned, about a socialite waiting to come into his fortune. This novel, with its meditations on morality, love, and decadence, officially marked Fitzgerald as one of the great writers of the wealth, ambition, and extravagance of the Jazz Age. Fitzgerald began work on The Great Gatsby, his third novel, in June 1922. However, he was slowed down by debts, a move to the French Riviera, and conflicts with his wife. He really buckled down in 1924, telling his editor that Gatsby would be â€Å"a consciously artistic achievement† and a â€Å"purely creative work.† During thisperiod, Fitzgerald fell in with a famous group of modernists in Paris, including the novelist Ernest Hemingway and writer Gertrude Stein. The Great Gatsby was finally published in 1925. Despite Fitzgerald’s efforts, it was not as warmly received by critics as his previous two novels. It also failed to take off commercially. (Read our history of The Great Gatsbyfor more on how Gatsby was received in the 1920s.) End of Life: Fitzgerald's Unraveling After the publication of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald suffered from alcoholism, something he had struggled with since Princeton, and writer’s block. Meanwhile, Zelda suffered from mental health problems and was often institutionalized. (She was diagnosed as schizophrenic, though many modern historians believe she could have also suffered from bipolar disorder.) In 1934, Fitzgerald finally published Tender is the Night, his fourth novel, about an American psychiatrist living in Paris. He continued to struggle with alcoholism and depression. In 1937, he moved to Hollywood to be a screenwriter and revive his career. Though he madesome money, he was never a critical success (there aren’t any must-see Fitzgerald films). Fitzgerald began the novel Love of the Last Tycoon while in Hollywood but died in 1940, at age 44, from a heart attack, before he could finish it. An unfinished version was eventually published in 1941. What to Take From the Life ofThe Great GatsbyAuthor If you’ve already read The Great Gatsby, you’ll notice pretty big parallels in the story to Fitzgerald’s real life: the Midwestern upbringing and education of Nick, with the military experience and love life of Gatsby. Fitzgerald makes Nick Carraway the narrator, not Gatsby. This may suggest that Fitzgerald saw himself as someone like Nick – someone observing a much more extravagant lifestylefrom the outside, rather than participating like Gatsby. It’s also important to understand Gatsby was written during the precarious peak of Fitzgerald’s life – while he was famous and living an extravagant lifestyle but before the most serious struggles with alcoholism, depression, and debt. You can't really tie any of Fitzgerald’s (or Zelda’s) most intense struggles with alcoholism or mental illness to Gatsby – you’d have to focus on Tender is the Night or Love of the Last Tycoon to do that. Instead, Gatsby is the book that came at the height of the 1920s and Fitzgerald’s life before he began to seriously struggle with alcoholism and depression – but it still has a melancholy undertone that strongly hints at the struggles to come. Further Reading Get a more detailed overview of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s life, especially the later years. The New York Times: A feature that explores Scott and Zelda’s connection to Long Island and the possible Gatsby mansion inspiration. Princeton Alumni Weekly: Read more about Ginevra King, the possible inspiration for Daisy. What’s Next? Learn more about how The Great Gatsby was received when it first came out, and also read up about the 1920s so you can understand the economic, political, and cultural context of Gatsby. Excited to dive in? Check out our articles onGatsby’s title, its opening pages and epigraph, and itsfirst chapter. Or, zoom out first toa summary of The Great Gatsby, along with links to all ourgreat articles analyzing this novel! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 Key Points of a Strong Computer Science Personal Statement

5 Key Points of a Strong Computer Science Personal Statement 5 Key Points of a Strong Computer Science Personal Statement A personal statement is one of the most crucial aspects of any university or college application. It gives admissions officers insight into your ability to think critically as a potential student. In addition, it allows them to measure the probability of your success as a student at their university. For students who wants to study Computer Science writing a personal statement is no different. The failure to provide a strong personal statement could leave admissions officers convinced that a student is not worthy to join the program. Don’t want to fail? As a rule, doing nothing towards the goal to enroll in your dream college is doomed to failure. Now it’s time to start preparing your computer science personal statement. When you are writing your statement, you need to demonstrate clearly that you are ready to actively engage with the program and to contribute to the advancement of the subject beyond the university campus. Include the following key points of a strong personal statement that would attract admissions officers at first glance: 1.   You Need a Hook in an Introduction to Make it Powerful Explain in detail why you love computer science so much and refrain from sharing irrelevant personal stories such as the first time you used a computer. If you take into consideration the personal statement, which is written by a student with a Computer Science degree from the University of Edinburgh, you’ll see an original piece of writing. Read the introduction sample â€Å"When a friend asked me: Why do you like computer science? I found myself unable to give an answer†. Imagine the admissions officers’ reaction. They were surely interested in reading it to the end. Their thoughts seemed to be â€Å"How dare an applicant say?†. They’re used to seeing personal statement introductions, like â€Å"I have a passion for studying Computer Science, hardly I started to use my computer at the age of 6†. Many admissions tutors say it is just boring to read such essays. Be original in your opening for a personal statement. It is better to catch the audience from the beginning. 2.   You Need to Provide the Reasons for Your Decision to Study in the Subject Area An admission officer should understand the reasons that you consider while applying to college or university to learn Computer Science. Who knows maybe, you apply to university under pressure from your parents. Its worth paying attention to a negative impact on the final academic results that are mentioned in the study Parental Overaspiration Undermines Students’ Learning in Mathematics. However, if your parents want you to study something like Law or Medicine, but you want to get a Computer Science degree, it can play into the hands. Want to know in what way? Say that you don’t see any obstacle on the way to the successful career in Programming, even if your parents are against. Based on this fact, admissions officers can conclude that you’re really passionate about computing. You have one more step to make them strongly convinced. 3.   You Need to Show How You’re Engaged with the Subject How to show a deep interest in Computer Science? Show your knowledge or experience in the area. You’ve probably read a book or article and after that you tried to programm for yourself. Share your results, now matter what they are. Attempts are also highly appreciated. The worst case is not to do nothing and say just â€Å"I want to study at your university†. It is better to say â€Å"I want to study at the course Computer Science at your university to improve my programming skills and become a qualified expert†. 4.   You Need to Describe Vividly Your Aspirations and Goals for the Future When you are writing your personal statement, you need to look ahead to the time when you’ll go out of the university with a diploma in hand. Admissions officers appreciate students who have long-term goals. You can come up with your plans after graduating from university. Look at the list of jobs in IT to realize what you tend to more. Seeing yourself as a software developer? Tell about it so that admissions officer will believe in your desire to create IT products that would meet clients needs. 5.   You Need to Focus on How You Work in a Team Indeed, Computer Programming involves working in a team to carry out different functions projecting, coding, testing and so on. For this reason, you need to demonstrate your ability to cooperate and interact well with others. In this case, the good examples can be various projects you have previously undertaken together with classmates or friends. Team sports you have played or still like playing can come into handy as well. Many universities demonstrate at their websites what they require, for example, see what the University of St Andrews expects from applicants. So, if you follow the above mentioned tips and your statement will be well-written, it will definitely attract admission officers’ attention. Besides, you can order professional Computer Science personal statement writing help at our site. Be sure our academic writers specialize in writing according to all customer’s requirements.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ABORTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ABORTION - Essay Example The wealthy were able to travel abroad or pay high fees to a local doctor willing to perform the procedure for a price. Poor women had to resort to less safe options. Prohibiting abortions does not and has never stopped them from occurring; it just acts to harm women. People opposed to legal abortions are also in the same camp that opposes programs that aid the impoverished and abused children who are the result of unwanted pregnancies. They point to ‘Christian morals’ and ‘family values’ as justification for the loss of liberty, discrimination of the poor and the increased cases of injured women. This divide of morals and concepts will never be bridged but the debate whether abortion should be legal or not is a matter for the courts. This discussion considers the legal aspects of the abortion issue. The arguments for and against are significant in a social context yet don’t really mean anything because they will not decide whether or not abortions remain safe and lawful. The Roe v. Wade case, brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973, resulted in the Court’s determination that women have the constitutional right to have an abortion prior to when the fetus is viable, meaning when it can survive on its own outside the woman’s womb. The decision removed any state law that restricted a woman to have an abortion or a doctor to perform an abortion during the first three months (first trimester) of a pregnancy. It also restricted abortions during the second-trimester unless a woman’s health was in danger (â€Å"Roe v. Wade†, 1997: 312). Though the case was then and is still strongly debated, the Court’s decision was correct from a constitutional context. Critics of the decision have generally made arguments based on personal moral beliefs which don’t count when the language of the Constitution is examined. Their moral arguments against the Roe decision can be quickly dismissed by weighing the

Friday, October 18, 2019

MGT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

MGT - Essay Example When workers are happy, they enjoy their work and this is more preferable than using other systems to improve productivity. This paper will provide evidence that happy or satisfied workers are more productive in the workplaces. Ropella highlights that there are factors that influence and contribute to employee satisfaction. The first factor is the work environment and it is concerned with the internal working environment of the employees. This environment entails feelings and attitudes on their colleague employees and the job itself. It is important for the employees to feel included in the larger organizational team to enhance productivity. The second factor is the ability to achieve the desired organizational objectives and it is concerned with the determination of the employee’s capacity and potential to achieve the set goals in their work. The other factor is the rewards and compensation for work done by the employees. Recognition for a good job done creates a feeling of happiness and motivation towards productivity. Business knowledge is another factor and it is concerned with the necessity of informing the employees on how the business works and on the finances of the organization. When employ ees are aware of the operations of the business, it enhances their productivity. The last factor is client relations and it is concerned with good relationships between customers and the employees. When the relations are favorable, employees are motivated to perform better. Furthermore, Kjerulf highlights various reasons why satisfied or happy workers at the workplace are more productive. The first reason is that happy workers work better with others in the workplace to enhance productivity. In this case, when employees are happy, they are more fun to work with other people hence improving working relations, which translate to higher productivity. The second reason is that workers satisfaction enhances creativity at work. Happy workers are able to generate

JetBlue Airways and WestJet Airlines Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

JetBlue Airways and WestJet Airlines - Case Study Example Furthermore, long waits and booking difficulties caused the company to drop its customer loyalty scores. Â  Learning lessons from WestJet’s experience, the JetBlue approached the upgrade process in a more proactive way. In order to ensure the smooth flow of the transition, the company limited its schedule and sold only the very low number of seats on the remaining flights. In addition, the company had taken a number of measures to deal with software upgrade problems effectively. Although WestJet faced some issues such as an increase in call times and network errors in kiosks and ticket printers, the comprehensive transition approach assisted the company to execute the upgrade process better than WestJet. Â  While analyzing the case of WestJet, it seems that the organization did not take any precaution to prevent software upgrade problems. Actually, WestJet was not aware of the complex troubles associated with switching to a new reservation system, and this is the reason why the organization approached the software upgrade process so frivolously. In contrast, JetBlue had WestJet’s crashing website in mind when the company planned to upgrade its reservation system, and hence it took several precautions to complete the upgrade process successfully. First, the JetBlue developed a backup website to deal with upgrade issues if any.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Northern Rock PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Northern Rock PLC - Essay Example In this way the government, representing the taxpayers, may recoup its investment and the bank may be returned to the private sector. A bank that shows consistent profit is attractive to potential buyers. To do this its financial strategy must continue its plans of further restructuring its business model. It must reduce its capital costs base by better cost management. And while pursuing and adjusting to medium term growth, Northern Rock must focus on innovation and new markets, and continue to build on transparent and open communication with its stake-holders. Discussion Today, under Government ownership, Northern Rock Plc has kept together some 70 branches over which it must wield a steady hand toward corporate profit in the interest of its stakeholders, the taxpayers, and its depositors. Since its black day of 17 September 2007, when depositors were shown on worldwide TV queuing in long lines outside the bank to make their withdrawals, the bank has went through several stages of restructuring. The initial one was the takeover by the government. Throughout these restructuring processes, the bank has sought to rebuild a substantial market for its mortgage loans, a market that is different from the business plan that the bank had pursued before 2008. Previous to 2008 and after Northern Rock became public in 1997, the bank soon embarked on a risky business plan that was coupled to a flawed bank regulatory system. Since 1997 Northern Rock was regulated by the newly created Financial Services Authority (FSA). The FSA did not share any information it had with the Treasury or with the Bank of England who was responsible for monetary policy. Both the FSA and the Bank of England were slow to step in and stop Northern Rock’s demise. The FSA had, in June 2007, instead allowed Northern Rock to decrease its amount of required on-hand capital. This action exemplified the regulatory system that allowed the bank to overextend itself in the speculative mortgage deriva tive market. But even today the bank as a retail and savings bank must rebuild its image and processes in the same waters of financial risk. During the period of the default, Northern Rock’s business plan was based on securitizing mortgages in the short-term wholesale market to support its long-term longs. It was packaging multiple mortgage loans and selling them as bonds to investors. This business model had depended on stability in the mortgage securities market and the confidence of those who traded in the debt packages. When the housing prices begin to show full scale plummeting from speculated highs, lenders stopped extending rollover loans to Northern Rock and they eventually took their money from the bank. In August 2007 credit froze up in the bank liquidity market and Northern Rock could no longer sell bonds over the face of a broad liquidity freeze. It could not make any new loans. On August 13, 2007, the bank requested emergency funding from the Bank of England. It was only after the Chancellor of the Exchequer guaranteed all deposits at the bank in later September did the resulting bank run stop. The present Northern Rock Plc was created from The Northern Rock Transfer Order which on 1 January 2010 restructured the bank into two banks, Northern Rock Plc, the savings bank with new mortgages, and the Northern Rock Asset Management Plc (NRAM) (NRP, 2011). The latter took over the "toxic" mortgage assets and is concentrating in mortgage loans. North Rock Plc began its

Addressing an Ethical Issue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Addressing an Ethical Issue - Assignment Example During preparation of food products, it is vital that strong partnership is formed by all the parties in the production process. In this way, it will be possible for the parties to detect any issue that may result to ailment or even fatalities. A major ethical issue that faces Walmart is lack of adherence to food safety. Despite being a company that has diversified product portfolio, Walmart safety arrangements are not being upheld an aspect that is used by the competitors to face off Walmart in the market. The violations that are common in the company include expired food products, lack of proper use of sanitary cleaning equipments, and cross contamination among others. It is vital to note that despite the organization objective to increase the sales, Walmart should not do so at the expense of the consumer’s safety and health. Thus, the company should ensure that it maintains maximum safety for its products. Although it is the role of the management to ensure that the safety measures are followed by the employees among other stakeholders. Workers involved in handling, preparation and storage must ensure that they adopt food safety measures as outlined by the company policies (Unnevehr,  2003). In this way, the company will have put in place effective strategies to prevent their consumers from becoming ill. As indicated by World Trade Organization, firms dealing with food products should emulate four key strategies. First, they should prevent harming food products with pathogens spreading. Secondly, to prevent sullying the cooked products cooked and uncooked sustenance should be separated. Thirdly, a suitable life span with proper temperatures should be accorded during the cooking process to reduce the risks of pathogens. Fourthly, food should be properly stored using appropriate temperatures. A notable decision making model that I will adopt to deal with the issue of food safety is the ethics PLUS decision making model. According to this model, the firm

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Northern Rock PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Northern Rock PLC - Essay Example In this way the government, representing the taxpayers, may recoup its investment and the bank may be returned to the private sector. A bank that shows consistent profit is attractive to potential buyers. To do this its financial strategy must continue its plans of further restructuring its business model. It must reduce its capital costs base by better cost management. And while pursuing and adjusting to medium term growth, Northern Rock must focus on innovation and new markets, and continue to build on transparent and open communication with its stake-holders. Discussion Today, under Government ownership, Northern Rock Plc has kept together some 70 branches over which it must wield a steady hand toward corporate profit in the interest of its stakeholders, the taxpayers, and its depositors. Since its black day of 17 September 2007, when depositors were shown on worldwide TV queuing in long lines outside the bank to make their withdrawals, the bank has went through several stages of restructuring. The initial one was the takeover by the government. Throughout these restructuring processes, the bank has sought to rebuild a substantial market for its mortgage loans, a market that is different from the business plan that the bank had pursued before 2008. Previous to 2008 and after Northern Rock became public in 1997, the bank soon embarked on a risky business plan that was coupled to a flawed bank regulatory system. Since 1997 Northern Rock was regulated by the newly created Financial Services Authority (FSA). The FSA did not share any information it had with the Treasury or with the Bank of England who was responsible for monetary policy. Both the FSA and the Bank of England were slow to step in and stop Northern Rock’s demise. The FSA had, in June 2007, instead allowed Northern Rock to decrease its amount of required on-hand capital. This action exemplified the regulatory system that allowed the bank to overextend itself in the speculative mortgage deriva tive market. But even today the bank as a retail and savings bank must rebuild its image and processes in the same waters of financial risk. During the period of the default, Northern Rock’s business plan was based on securitizing mortgages in the short-term wholesale market to support its long-term longs. It was packaging multiple mortgage loans and selling them as bonds to investors. This business model had depended on stability in the mortgage securities market and the confidence of those who traded in the debt packages. When the housing prices begin to show full scale plummeting from speculated highs, lenders stopped extending rollover loans to Northern Rock and they eventually took their money from the bank. In August 2007 credit froze up in the bank liquidity market and Northern Rock could no longer sell bonds over the face of a broad liquidity freeze. It could not make any new loans. On August 13, 2007, the bank requested emergency funding from the Bank of England. It was only after the Chancellor of the Exchequer guaranteed all deposits at the bank in later September did the resulting bank run stop. The present Northern Rock Plc was created from The Northern Rock Transfer Order which on 1 January 2010 restructured the bank into two banks, Northern Rock Plc, the savings bank with new mortgages, and the Northern Rock Asset Management Plc (NRAM) (NRP, 2011). The latter took over the "toxic" mortgage assets and is concentrating in mortgage loans. North Rock Plc began its

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Homeschooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Homeschooling - Essay Example Critics of homeschooling usually point out the lack of socialization skills learned at public schools which is a valid concern but quality time with parents is important as well and is also productive time for the student. Parents are in control of the subject material and control the topics. This is a definite advantage for the homeschooled child. Homeschooling is a growing in popularity because it is the most effective way to educate children. The best teachers are those who possess a passion to convey knowledge with a sense of purpose. Parents motivated with a passionate spiritual conviction have a sustained energy for teaching their child more so than a relative stranger of unknown conviction at public school. These parents generate an infectious enthusiasm about whatever subject they are teaching, a virtue that motivates kids. Homeschooling allows a parent to weave their spiritual convictions into every facet of their curriculum. Nothing is more important to the heart of people’s motivation than their personal beliefs. Everyone has convictions of some description; something that has alters their lives in a positive way, something that is etched in deep in their soul. Some people can express it, some cannot find words for it, but everyone has it. When that intangible something is employed, put to use, people demonstrate a passion and direction that can be explained. For many this describes their religious convict ions, a way of life for some. People who have these convictions people make excellent home-school teachers. Their sense of passion and purpose help them keep going throughout the rough times in life. This passion motivates them to continue reaching for higher goals, for themselves and their children. The homeschooled child benefits from socialization skills that are community-based rather than socialization based

Monday, October 14, 2019

Learning in the EYFS Essay Example for Free

Learning in the EYFS Essay Knowledge and understanding of the world Knowledge and Understanding of the World relates to children’s everyday lives, their homes, families, other people, the local environment and community and the wider world. Personal, social and emotional development The social and emotional development of a child helps practitioners/parents understand the behaviors they exhibit. Though children develop and mature at different rates, social and emotional development generally occurs in predictable stages. Communication language and literacy Childrens learning and competence in communicating, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write must be supported and extended. They must be provided with opportunity and encouragement to use their skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes, and be supported in developing the confidence and dispositions to do so. Problem solving reasoning and numeracy This area mostly focuses on a child’s ability to solve simple problems and builds an awareness of shapes space and measures. Practitioners do this by looking at shapes, numbers, building bricks etc. Physical Development Children are encouraged to take part in a variety of physical activities. Children develop physically at different stages and times. This area helps practitioners to keep track of each individual child’s development. Creative development Being creative covers a multitude of ideas including how children express and communicate ideas. They can explore all sorts of media (eg ICT, music) and materials. They will also develop their imagination through play. Although they are all different a good planned activity will cover more than one area of development. For example, playing a snakes and ladders board game will help a child with their Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy mainly but it will also help them with their Communication, language and literacy development as they are being encouraged to communicate with other children playing the game. Also the areas are interdependent if the child is struggling with one area it can affect how they develop in other areas. For example, if a child is disabled and cannot join in physical activities this can affect their physical development but it can then also affect their communication, language and literacy and Personal, social and emotional development because they aren’t joining in with the same activities as their peers. This can be avoided or at least limited by good planning and inclusive practice. 1.2 Outcomes are given to the different areas of learning within the EYFS to ensure that practitioners have something to focus on. These outcomes are outlined within the EYFS as â€Å"overarching principles† these are: Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities. And three main areas of development which are; Physical Development – This is the development of a childs physical skills. It includes the Gross motor skills, such as walking, jumping, running, catching and the fine motor skills such as the pincer grip, hand-eye-coordination, doing up laces or zips. Personal Social and Emotional Development The social and emotional development of a child helps practitioners/parents understand the behaviors they exhibit. Though children develop and mature at different rates, social and emotional development generally occurs in predictable stages. Communication and Language Development Language development is the process by which children come to understand and communicate language during early childhood. 1.3 The documented outcomes are assessed by practitioners in different ways. On-going assessments are carried out in settings frequently. Practitioners plan an activity, observe the child/children, record information and evaluate the outcome. If needed they then plan another activity and repeat the process until they get the information they need. These are also known as â€Å"formative assessments† and they are an integral part of the EYFS framework. It helps parents, carers and practitioners to constantly monitor a child’s progress and pick up on and solve problems if there are any. At the age of two a child has a progress check. This is when practitioners review their progress and produce a short written summary of a child’s development in the main areas of development. This helps to make sure a child is on track with their development and helps to identify any areas that a child may be developing at a slower rate than is expected. This can also pick up on any dis abilities or learning difficulties. If a practitioner does pick up on a learning difficulty they should put together a plan to support the child’s future learning and development. Practitioners must discuss with parents how the outcome of the assessments can be used to support the child’s development at home, and parents are encouraged to share the outcome with any relevant professionals i.e. a teacher or a health visitor. In the final term of the year in which the child turns five practitioners must complete the EYFS profile for each child. This profile must reflect on-going observation, all relevant records held by the setting, discussions with parents and carers, and any other adults whom the teacher, parent or carer judges can offer a useful contribution. The profile lets parents, carers and other professionals have an overview of a child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities, their progress against expected levels, and their readiness for year one. Year one teachers are given a copy of this profile and it will outline whether the child is meeting, exceeding or not yet reaching the expected levels of the early learning goals. I think assessments are important to Practitioners and other professionals like teachers because it helps them to work together to identify any problems that may arise with a child’s development and address the problems quickly and effectively also if the child is very quick at development it can be spotted and they can be given extra planned work to stop them from getting bored. I think it is also good for parents because they have guidance on how to help their child’s development at home.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Atmosphere in Macbeth, by Shakespeare

Atmosphere in Macbeth, by Shakespeare The word atmosphere usually means the air around us. When using the word in the sense of a play it means a certain mood around a certain area at a certain time. Tension usually means emotional or mental stress. Act 2 Sc 2 is the climax of tension that has been built up all the way through Act 1. Act 1 is building up to the murder of Duncan and it is a sinister atmosphere because of the tension and atmosphere in the play as a whole. In Act 2 Scene 2 Macbeth has killed the king, Duncan. This decision comes after the witches come to him after the battle in Act 1 Sc 3 and give him the prophecy that he will be King. In the Elizabethan era people were rather superstitious and believed that witches and anything to do with the witches were bad news. So to be seeing them in real life or so they thought was really bad news. Because of the superstitions of the Elizabethan folk, this tends to be a rather evil sight in their eyes. He is further tempted to kill the King when his wife persuades him to do so. He does this with the help of his wife, who has drugged the Kings guards so as to put them to sleep. Going back to the scene, Macbeth kills the King and is very remorseful for what he has done and his power greedy wife tries to remove any thoughts of remorse from his mind. However, in his hastiness to leave the scene of murder, he forgets to smear blood onto the guards daggers but Macbeth didnt want to go back there so his wife goes and does the deed. Meanwhile, Macbeth is hearing sounds and we would think that he is going mad. This is the beginning of many sounds and visions that Macbeth will see and hear. At the beginning of Act 2 Sc 2 tension is created as Lady Macbeth is waiting and nervous, so she has taken a drink and that has given her confidence. She says: That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold. This creates tension because Lady Macbeth is tense and so the audience will also be tense. In this scene the tension is created by the exclamation of Lady Macbeth when she fears that all has gone wrong. This is when she says: Alack! I am afraid they have waked, and tis not done: thattempt and not the deed ¦ This scene creates a sense of tension and suspense because it creates a feeling as to what the consequences of this failed plan will be if not carried out properly. We get to know all the emotions at this point of the character in the scene, Lady Macbeth. The atmosphere is also created by the natural sounds of animals in the night. Lady Macbeth says: I heard the owl scream, and the crickets cry ¦ This creates the sort of atmosphere of suspense as if something is about to happen. She is awaiting the arrival of Macbeth, so obviously shes listening extra hard to try to hear anything going on in Duncans room. The audience would know that this event took place at night, under the cover of darkness. We know this because Lady Macbeth says that she hears the owl scream, and owls only come out at night as they are nocturnal. In this scene, the atmosphere is also created by the silence of the night. We can deduce this from the way Lady Macbeth refers to the way she did not hear a sound when asked by Macbeth, except:  ¦the owl scream, and the crickets cry. The silence leaves the audience in a state of suspense as to what is going to happen next and eagerly awaiting the next course of action the actors will produce on stage. In this scene the tension is created when Macbeth has brought the daggers back with him when he should have left them with the servants. .Lady Macbeth says: Why did you bring these daggers from the place? This creates tension because if Macbeth is seen with the daggers he will be accused straight away of murder. This creates a cliff hanger as it is a race against time to get the daggers away and them back into safety. The tension in the scene is created when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are having a fast paced conversation. This is said in the conversation: Didst thou not hear a noise? Did you not speak? When? As I descended?. This causes tension because shes trying to establish what happened, however she does this quickly, which shows that there is no time to waste. In this scene, tension is also created when Macbeth starts to hear sounds. We can deduce this from the text when Macbeth says: Methought I heard a voice cry Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep; innocent sleep ¦ This creates tension because people in the Elizabethan era were rather superstitious and would start to think that either the demons have come to get Macbeth, or he has gone mad. Also, the religious people from the Elizabethan era would interpret that Macbeth has murdered eternal sleep. Some people would interpret sleep as rest and when people are resting they are at their most innocent and vulnerable, they have no control over what they say, do or dream. Therefore they would interpret it like Macbeth has murdered innocence and some would interpret it that Macbeth has lost control. In the scene the atmosphere is also created when Lady Macbeth tries to remove any thoughts of remorse from the mind of Macbeth. We can deduce this from when Macbeth says: Macbeth: This is a sorry sight. Lady Macbeth: A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight. We see that Lady Macbeth takes control when she treats Macbeth like a child and puts him in his place. We see that Lady Macbeth has turned from a normal woman, to something cold hearted and cruel. She is turning away from any kind of emotion and creating a cold feeling into the hearts of the Elizabethan audience. In Elizabethan times a woman was considered to be lower than a man in the world order at the time. However, as we see in the play, that Shakespeare has changed the order as Lady Macbeth asks to the demons to be unsexed. We see that, even though that the worlds order at the time put women below men, Lady Macbeth is the one who takes the pivotal role that Macbeth should be taking. Also, tension is created by the way that Macbeth has been so strong and noble, yet after killing the king his bravery and chivalry seems to desert him. We see this in the sentence: Why, worthy thane, you do unbend your noble strength, to think so brainsickly of things This is one of those things that the Elizabethan era could speculate about. Some superstitious people would say that Macbeth has been punished by the gods/demons/angels. Less superstitious people would say that the drain of having to kill someone who you have paid oath of fealty to and thinking about the consequences would drain your bravery out of you. This is one place where Shakespeare has let the audience do the thinking. Finally, tension is also created in the scene when the knocking starts. Whence is that knocking? This creates tension because people in the audience were not expecting it. In conclusion, there are many ways that this scene creates atmosphere and tension and I have only mentioned a few. Shakespeare has created the character of Macbeth in such a way that you dont know whether to be sorry for him or to accuse him. Shakespeare has created the character of Lady Macbeth as a normal woman at first, and then becomes a cruel cold blooded character later on. The Elizabethan audience can decide for themselves if Macbeth is guilty or was persuaded by the witches and his wife Lady Macbeth.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

scarlet letter essay :: essays research papers

What is the cuase for an extreme obsession? Why is it that occasionally, someone will become so obsessed with an object or idea that it corrupts their personality? In the novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates a character by the name of Chillingworth who shares in that same type of obsession. After his wife, hester, has an affair with a minister, Aurther Dimmesdale, he poledges to have vengeance . despite his wife’s unwillingness to rreveal her partner, He Chillingworth’s corruptive obsession is also the cause for the change in his physical appearance. Throughout the novel Chillingworth’s physical appearance fluctuates dramatically. At the beginning of the novel he is portrayed as a loving man and the reader often felt sympathy for him due to his wife’s affair. As time progresses, Hawthorne shows a remarkable change in his appearance due to the overwhelming time and energy in conducting the ultimate devise to bring evil upon Dimmesdale. At this point, Chillingworth’s obsession has surpassed the norm. His constant thoughts of revenge deepen the evil into his heart to a point where it consumes and alters his personality. He is no longer the man who was very religious and innocent. He now is corrupt and has nothing else on his mind other that to spread evil. His face grows uglier by the day as his fixation engulfs him, â€Å"†¦how much uglier they were,-how his dark complexion seemed to have grown duskier , and his figure more misshapen.† (Hawthorne77). Chillingworth’s face has changed due to the evil that has now grown inside him. He has held these feelings too long and it is now beginning to alter his appearance. He blames Dimmesdale for what he has now become because the once handsome and loving man he once was is now corrupted by the power or evil that fills his head. Chillingworth’s change in appearance was from the source of wickedness that had buried itself into his soul. When his life hangs only by this obsession, his fate is suspended by the man whom he feels it towards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chillingworth’s ultimate plans for revenge are ruined when Dimmesdale finally confesses the sin which he kept secret for so many years. Chilligworth wants nothing less than for Dimmesdale to suffer with his secret until he dies. The only way that Dimmesdale could have escaped out of the unbreakable grip of Chillingworth’s claws was through the scaffold.

Friday, October 11, 2019

HR Management Essay

Innovation is identified as one of the viable ways of ensuring a sustainable competitive advantage for organisations in the modern highly competitive global market economy. Innovative practices in an organisation are solely dependent on the skills, qualifications and objective commitment of the company workforce towards the underlying goals of the organisation (Korman & Kraut, 1999, p. 31). This dictates for the recruitment, training and retention of the best and reliable employees in any organisation. Still, another important practice for ensuring innovative strategic practices in organisation is by ensuring the implementation of an effective employee engagement policy (Tyson, 2006, p. 41). Such serve to promote the commitment and thus the productive ability of the employees to the firm. Therefore, since human resource management services the purpose of recruiting, training, and retaining as well as motivating employees, it has a key role to play in developing innovative strategic practices in order to contribute to organisational performance in today’s rapidly changing economy. This essay will identify some ways in which human resource management can engage in enhancing innovative practices in the company. In order to ensure the sustainable realisation of innovative strategies in an organisation, human resource management should engage in recruiting skilled and qualified workforce for the organisation (Jackson & Schuller 1996, p. 51). It has been sufficient established that new employees bring with them new ideas into the organisation. Therefore, as an important role by the human resource department to conduct employee recruitment, it should ensure a free and fair recruitment process that is based on qualification and individual personality compatibility to the set corporate ethical conduct of conduct in the company. Another important practice by the human resource management department is to engage in effective employee training programmes which are reflective of the underlying competitive needs of the organisation (Storey & Sisson 2000, p. 8). Marketplace demands are evidently changing constantly just as technologies and innovative products are flooding the market. All these are creating new loopholes for stiff competition in the market economy. Due to this reason, human resource management is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that employees in the various company departments are equipped with the knowledge necessary to act more competitively against those of other competing organisations (Ulrich, Husel id, & Becker 2001, p. 73). Due to the importance of engaging employees in training programs based on informed decisions, which are reflective of the market demand, human resource management should be on the forefront in studying, qualifying, and quantifying the constant swings in the market trend (Tyson 2006, p. 38). This makes an effective human resource management practice more than just striving to ensure a productive workforce for the organisation. Another important aspect for the realisation of effective employee training is devoted involvement of the human resource in influencing the decision making process in the organisation (Carroll, Gupta, & Martell, 1996, p. 3). This aids in persuading the company management in appreciating the need and thus factoring enough company resources for executing employee training programs. Still, it has been evidently claimed that the human resource management should endeavour in identifying skills and talents among the various employees of the organisation (Carroll, Gupt a, & Martell 1996, p. 21). Just to be appreciated here is the fact that not all qualified members of the workforce have the reliable innovative and leadership skills required for sustaining the competitive advantage of the organisation in the marketplace. Therefore, training programmes in the organisation should only be prioritised for the highly talented workforce. Retention of employees is another important human resource management practice for promoting sustainable innovative strategic practices in an organisation (Korman, & Kraut 1999, p 46). The loss of reliable employees in an organisation is found to impact negatively on the sustainable competitive advantage of the organisation. This is closely attributed to two reasons. First is the high costs incurred by the organisation in nurturing their skills. The second reason is the fact that the company risks loosing its business secrets to their competitors (Korman, & Kraut 1999, p. 49). It is due to this reason why employee engagement remains an important function of human resource management as it enhances employee fulfilment and thus retention. To realise constant innovative practices in the organisation, human resource managers should be more of leaders than managers. By so doing they motivate and inspire the workforce to engage in innovative activities as well as providing suggestions on possible solutions to challenges affecting the organisation (Storey & Sisson, 2000). Another important practice for human resource management is ensuring effective organisational succession practices. This is crucial in ensuring sustainable continuation of the innovative strategic practices in the organisation, a factor that helps in realising and sustaining a competitive business advantage for the organisation in the marketplace. In conclusion, human resource management is the most important function for realising a practical long term innovative strategic practices in a company. The HR is responsible for recruiting, nurturing, and retaining skilled and talented workforce for the organisation (Storey & Sisson, 2000). To achieve this, human resource management should engage in conducting recruitments and employee training programmes based on the competitive market demands of the time. On the question of employee retention, human resource managers should act like employee leaders to inspire innovation while enhancing openness among employees to identify and resolve any eminent problems. This enhances employee commitment in executing company objectives.